Fed up

My husband seems to have a double standard when it comes to the word “stop”. He says his way of being affectionate and loving is teasing and tickling me, even though I have told him I don’t like the continued poking and prodding. He spent the whole day bugging me today and there were several times where he triggered my anxiety and I had to get up and walk away because when I say stop, he doesn’t. But then I try to retaliate and tickle and poke him and he gets instantly mad and grabs my arm. So when he says stop, he means it or he gets mad. But if I say stop and he doesn’t and I get mad, he is just joking and it’s no big deal. I am so tired of it. Especially since he got more aggressive about it today when he grabbed my arm. He doesn’t notice how strong he is and he felt bad that he hurt me, but I am still pissed. I look at our son and I don’t want him to see this kind of behavior. If a woman says stop, you stop. Period. I feel like we have had this conversation so many times and it never changes. It feels like a lack of boundaries and respect. Any advice?