Early wake up

How do you handle when your LO wakes a few hours earlier than they should, before actual wake up time? Mine has been doing 4-5a but our wake up time is usually 7-7:30a. I have to help her go back to sleep but that means we’re in a rocking chair for 30 minutes or more (usually more). I stopped nursing her at night a long while ago, and she’ll ask for it if that’s what she wants, so I don’t want to nurse back to sleep if I don’t have to.

By the time she goes back down and I step away she only has two hours or less (it varies) before she’s up for the day. She’s not the best nighttime sleeper but her 7-7:30a wake up has been her norm no matter how many times she wakes in the night. Is it is what it is and I just make due?

Does this happen to you, what do you do? Thanks in advance.