Feeling down about myself (venting)

One year ago today I was a totally different person.

I was healthy. I didn’t eat that great all the time but I was very active and busy. I’m 5 foot tall and was around 105 lb in this picture.

August 2019, I found out I was pregnant. I was ecstatic because we just started trying and I’ve always wanted to be a mom.

8 months pregnant:

I was 160 lb the day I had my baby. When I got home from the hospital I was 135. I lost a lot of fluid, plus baby and placenta.

My baby is colicky and breastfeeding was 10000x harder than I ever imagined it to be. So I didn’t even care about my weight and took it reallyyyy easy on myself. I told myself when I went back to work, I’d get back into being active and watching what I ate.

Well things didn’t go as planned, I’m currently 11 weeks PP today and I’m not going back to work. Because of everything going on, I decided to become a stay at home mom for now.

11 weeks PP:

Today I stepped on the scale and I’m just ashamed of what I saw...

149 lb 😩 I gained more weight 😭😭

Now that I’m not going back to work I feel lost. And having an infant I can’t take her anywhere or do anything because of COVID. I’m scared she’ll get sick. I feel nervous to even bring her to a family members house. And since she’s so colicky she just cry’s anytime we go anywhere so I hate going through that. The area we live in a big hotspot so I just can’t risk it anyways.

I’m literally stuck inside my house, we can’t go for walks because I live in Florida and it’s the middle of summer. Every time I put her in the stroller she gets too hot and cries and bit up by mosquitos.

I used to go to the gym, swim at the pool, go on morning runs. Now that I can’t do the majority of that I know I need to eat a lot healthier to lose weight. I’m guessing I need to eat a lot less calories, too. I used to be able to eat whatever and burn it all off. But I’m seeing that isn’t the case anymore.

This is just going to be a tough, long road and I don’t even know where to begin. Please someone give me some advice and point me in the right direction. I know I can do exercises at home, but its going to be hard for me to prioritize exercising when I have a needy 11 week old. The second I finally get her to nap on her own, I just want to relax and do other things, not work out 😭 but I do not want to be this heavy anymore. I’m ready for my old body back and I’m willing to do whatever it takes.

Here’s a picture of my sweet baby. All of this is worth it for her, I love her sooo much and I’m so thankful that both of us are healthy ❤️