Cramps at 22 weeks


I’ve had cramps pretty much the whole pregnancy so far on and off. Like once in a while it’ll feel like a period cramp (which I’ve always gotten very painful period cramps) and then they go away. My doctor told me it’s normal, but that was around 14ish weeks when we discussed it.

Now I’m 22 weeks and still feel them. Maybe once every few days or so. The don’t last long but are pretty painful in my pelvic region/lower back. Sometimes it’ll happen 2x in a row of a sharp cramp. It worries me sometimes that something is wrong. Every time I consider calling the doctor they go away and I’m fine after. I have an appointment again next week and I’m going to discuss it.

Is it normal to feel cramps like this? Are these “cramps” braxton Hicks at this point or still just cramping?