I'm trying so hard!! 😪😭

Brianna • Little Bubs in the clouds 👼🏽👼🏻 👼🏼👼🏻 , finally got my double rainbow 👶🏻🌈

So I'm on CD11 and after getting what I thought was an extremely close to positive test yesterday on CD10 i thought for sure tonight's test would be darker than yesterdays but for some reason it looks like its getting lighter??

I had REALLAY watery cm from CD 5-8 to the point it felt like I kept peeing myself (sorry tmi) and them had EWCM on CD7-10 but yet today i feel like ive dried up a little. Did I already ovulate or have I not yet ovulated and these tests are playing tricks on me?? I NEED ANSWERS 😭😭😪