Your baby will be how you were when pregnant ...

Maude • •👼🏼C 💙•H🌈•B🐻

So I’ve had tons of moms tell me this and wanted to know if you felt it was true or not. They said how you act pregnant is a lot how your newborn will be. If you are lazy all day they will usually be more chill, but if you are active they are usually more active. I’m currently only half way through my pregnancy and I’m work at home due to COVID thank goodness! I lay in bed all morning working cause I have hg and I’m sick. Basically I lay in bed all day and sleep a ton. I feel my best at night and will usually get up and take a shower I’ve discovered I’m only feeling her at night the most which I’ve just barely started feeling her and at our appointment in the day she is pretty chill. So I’m curious to see what she will be like. I’m terrified she’s gonna want to sleep all day and be up all night lol but we’ll adjust!