Please help (info below); has this happened and you had a normal pregnancy?


My LMP was 6/30/20.

My cycle is about 26-28 days long.

I’ve taken some of the cheap tests and gotten a faint positive.

No positive on a FRER or clear blue.

I have been bloated/ nausea & vomiting/ smell aversions/ nipples SO sore.

I had a tiny pit of light pink discharge on Tuesday of this week 7/27/20. NOTHING since then except a lot of thick white discharge.

This would be my 7th pregnancy (2 chemicals; two ABs; 2 living children) - so I know my body and how it feels to be pregnant. I’ve always gotten early positives and I’m 4-5 days late.

What could be happening? Late implantation? Late ovulation? Another chemical?

I’m so frustrated and a bit sad.

Has this happened to anyone and y’all had a normal pregnancy?