Toddler and His Penis

Caitlin • Mama to ☝🏻 🌈 baby with another on the way, and ✌🏻 in heaven.

After scouring discussions, I cannot seem to find anyone with similar issues, so I thought I would post 😅.

My son is 2 and for most of his life has been super into touching himself CONSTANTLY. Which I know can be completely normal. But he's doing it when he's clothed as well. He's still in diapers, so he's always reaching in and playing around, pulling it up out of his diaper, etc. This can be annoying for multiple reasons since it's not always privately, and it causes him to pee everywhere if it's not pointed down! 🤦🏼‍♀️

And now I've noticed an increase in occasion that he has an erection, especially if he's been playing with himself...

I guess all I'm asking for is someone to tell me I'm not alone?? 😆 Why are boys so icky sometimes?! 😒