is it okay for me to be upset/mad?

okay, so one day last week my friend texted me and asked if she could come stay the night bc she had nothing to do the rest of the evening and was off work the next day. I live with my grandpa so 6:30 was already a late hour in our house. (we also have 360 on our group of friends just to make sure we're all safe) so she texts me and says she's leaving and I waited the normal amount of time for it to take her to get to my house and realized she still wasn't here (it takes around 25 minutes to get to my house from hers). 10 minutes after the time she should have been to my house I check her life 360 to see if she was stopped somewhere and it showed she was at her boyfriends house and I was a little confused as to why she had been there bc if she was just stopping to say hi she still would have already been at my house. 10 more minutes go buy and I get a text from her and she said "is it okay if I just hangout with *name* for a little bit?" and I already knew she was with him so I said "ok. but don't make it too late". at around 9:30pm my grandpa heads to bed and I texted her saying "papa went to bed, I think it's best that you don't come just so he doesn't get woken up" and I'm a little upset at that time. she texts back at 10 saying that she has to come over bc her mom would get mad at her for lying and keeps begging me to let her come, so I do. I sneak her into the house at 10:30 and I don't want it to be weird so I act normal but I was honestly a little upset about it.

flash forward a few days I was texting her about something that was really bothering me and I knew she was probably on the phone with her bf bc they do that every night around the same time but I still expected her to be there for me bc she's my best friend. as I'm trying to talk to her she is just being short with me... like not typing back or just saying "ok" or "yeah" so I just don't bother snapping back bc she doesn't seem to care and she still hasn't texted me about anything and idk what to do bc my feelings are hurt tbh. she hasn't been in this relationship long but she's already starting to leave me behind for him a lot.

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