Am I being super sensitive or am I right? I feel so unsupported

Long story short I have a business idea. I want to start up a small little company. I really believe in this idea. I’m so so exited about it. I think about it all the time. Especially because I’m not working or anything right now (I’m a stay at home mama of a toddler and one on the way), it makes me feel if this could work that’d be AMAZING!

I approached my boyfriend about the idea and he’s like yeah that’s a good idea. But whenever I talk to him about it he doesn’t listen. I literally have to repeat myself 30 times. He doesn’t pay attention. If I ask him questions he won’t pay attention or get annoyed almost. I was literally talking about it earlier today because I’m starting to contact people and purchase things for it and he literally WALKED AWAY as I was talking and said he needed to pee. Another time he cut me off said he wanted to lay with me, and then didn’t ask me what I was in the middle of saying. Just now he was staring at the tv and I was reading to him a response that someone who I want to work with said and wanted his opinion and he was like “I can’t hear you right now while this is on just wait” then he paused it (so I thought he was pausing it for me) and just when I was about to say something he walked upstairs to get something and then came back down stairs turned it back on sat at the table with his bong...that he KNOWS i told him I don’t want him to light it in the house. I don’t care if he blows it outside or not that’s trashy, disgusting, disrespectful, it smells like shit, and WE HAVE KIDS. So I just got pissed and went upstairs. I literally feel stupid talking about it now...

Idk if I’m being super sensitive but he doesn’t get excited for me. He’s so monotone whenever we talk about it - meanwhile I’m legitimately excited because I just KNOW it’s going to work. I’ve never had a feeling like this about anything.

I literally post ads for his construction business. Whenever someone contacts him through email I tell him right away and sometimes even respond on his behalf for him. He asks me what he should say half the time. He tells me about his work all the time and guess what? I listen. I’m super supportive.

But right now I feel so unsupported. I want to cry. It really effects me. I suffer from bad anxiety and always feel bad about myself. My parents have to do with this. They never supported me. They never helped me with anything. They never believed in me. Whenever I would talk to them about what I wanted to do in the future as a little girl or what business ideas I had, I would either get told “oh you can’t do that because...” or “it’s really hard to do that because...” or I would get ignored like I am now. I was never supported on anything and that really affected my self confidence. Now I feel like he’s doing the same thing.

I just feel like as the father of my children (technically husband) he should support me ESPECIALLY knowing how my parents were.