Break up or stick it out

Ladies, I need your strength.. so I'll be 23 in a week and Im in between working it out with my man or just breaking it off. It's so hard he was my first serious relationship 5 years to be exact.. I'm scared. What if I don't find someone else? What if im single forever? Im worried I cant be without him he's all I know since 18. But nothing has changed in our relationship, we haven't moved out, he lies about money he doesn't have etc when i ask him "babe are you gonna get a car soon" or "babe did you pay your probation fee before you get another warrant" it's always stress in his voice like he's annoyed like damn you're 28.. im willing to help but he's just not honest. I love him so much I really do, im not perfect neither shit im a grown ass woman still living at home with my parents but im actually saving so we can move. It's just too much i desire us to have our own space and actually handle responsibilities together and start a life. he cannot come over and spend the night (we're not married, it's my parents rules 🤷🏽‍♀️) and he lives in an extended stay with his parents and siblings so when we want to have sex his brother has to go in the bathroom or we'll sneak and go in the bathroom the next morning or ill wait until they're gone. We both make $14 an hour im sure we can find somewhere decent hes just not honest with his money and I always am.

Maybe im not worth it cause if he was woth a woman his age I promise you he'd step it up if he really wanted her but we're 6 years apart. I've been tolerating since we met so maybe he's comfortable