This is what being horny gets u 😤😤


Ok since having my daughter 2 months ago I have been waiting to get my period not knowing when or why it hasn’t come for weeks I’ve been saying to my self and my boyfriend something isn’t right Today I went to buy a bottle of Hennessy so me and one of my homegirls can u knoe get a little twisted after I bought the bottle I said hold let me take a pregnancy text first because I had recently took a test about a week 1/2 ago and it was negative I took the extra test on Monday and it looked positive but it had a faded line so I said ok maybe I should wait a couple more days to retest today before I even got a chance to pour me a cup of my favorite freakin drink that Hennessay 🥴 I took a first response for a better reading y’all when I tell y’all I fell tf out after I got the results that shit said positive looks like I’m going to be having another baby come next year 😱😱😱 I was not prepared for another one especially after having my daughter June 1 2020

The first pic is the cheap test

The second is a first response