Separation anxiety?


So, a few weeks back I posted about switching my daughter to her own room, she seems to sleep okay in there with a few rough nights but nothing alarming to make me swith her back yet, as far as sleep goes, but I have noticed since I've moved her to her own room she has been super clingy and freaks out when other people hold her/ I leave the room. It's not too bad during the day (she's pretty much fine) it's at night close to bed time when she freaks when I leave the room. (Any room) even if for a few seconds. Is this normal for her age or did putting her in her own room cause that anxiety to go up? She's also teething so I'm not for sure if that's why too. It just breaks my heart to think she thinks I'm not coming back every time I leave the room. Should I move her back to our room or just ride it out? I try to give her plenty of affection and love during the day to maybe help but idk if it's helping.