Kid's Sleepovers


So I was commenting on a post in another group that made me curious about what everyone here thought about sleepovers. Do you/will you let your kids go to sleepovers? Will you host sleepovers? If you do, are there any rules or requirements that need to be met before your child can sleepover somewhere?

In the post the woman didn't want her daughter sleeping over at a friend's house who had brothers because she didn't want her having sex.

Personally, I'm fine with my son and any future kids having sleepovers. I do think I'll require a few play dates until I get to know the kids and parents first and, of course, have phone numbers for emergencies. I would probably even give my son a phone, too, in case he wanted to come home (I remember several times of me deciding last minute that I didn't want to sleep over) or doesn't feel comfortable. I also am already teaching my son appropriate body part names and will lead into inappropriate touching, safe sex, and respecting boundaries as he is able to understand.