milky white discharge...pregnancy??!


hi! this is my first post in the community so bare with me! 😘🤣

so i’m currently 16 days late on my period. i took a pregnancy test about a week and a half ago and then another a week ago, and both came back as negative. today i noticed quite a bit of milky-looking discharge on my underwear. it’s not super thin but i wouldn’t say it’s thick either. i’m sorta kinda freaking out even though both tests were negative.

could i still be pregnant???? should i take another test? i don’t want to keep testing if it’s pointless but the fact that i’m THIS late on my period is odd. i’ve had irregular periods for as long as i can remember but they’re usually within a week of the start date 99% of the time, never this late.

any advice/insight is MUCH appreciated!!!! 💕