Pregnant, covid & travel advice

I’m in my second trimester and I’m always been high risk. I refuse to go anywhere that’s unnecessary and I limit my times in stores. I’m just scared of covid and catching and bringing it home to my family. My hubby risks a lot working as a officer but I can take care of him better then he can care for us, if we’re being honest.

My sisters are basically giving me shit for not wanting to leave the state. They are saying I don’t care about my father because it’s his anniversary of his passing next week and the whole point of leaving is to “celebrate” him. I’ve already said several times I wouldn’t go and I just don’t feel comfortable with traveling.

I feel as if there’s other ways I can go about my dad and how I want to celebrate his anniversary and it’s my health at risk. Rates are dropping and rising everyday and it’ll be my luck that I leave when I didn’t feel comfortable to and getting sick and I would never forgive my family because I was “force” to go

Please give me advice on what to do.