I’m only 2 weeks and a day postpartum, and I’m absolutely in love with my baby girl. However, I have never doubted myself as much as I have since she’s been born. I’m anxious all the time, I’m a worrying mess, I find myself stupidly googling everything and then stressing out about all the endless possibilities that could be going on, even after her first check up her doctor said she was a healthy baby. Tonight she threw up and it came out of her nose and I panicked, completely just froze. Thankfully my husband was there to calm me down, and she’s fine and in her crib now, but I know I’m not going to sleep much tonight be she I’ll be hover over her crib watching her breathing and making sure she doesn’t get sick again or spit up. I’m so anxious that i hover when my husband has her or if anyone else but me is holding her, and that alone makes me feel horrible, and then the depression washes over me and I’m just a mess. I knew it’d be a change but I didn’t think I’d lose all confidence in myself and those around me. I’m so protective. Anyone have any advice that could help me?