My most hated question

D • 🧿 Married. Mommy to 2 angel babies, both 2nd trimester losses our boy 11.16.2019 👼 & our girl 6.26.2020 👼. Diagnosed w/ IC. Cerclage baby girl 🌈 12/13/21. BSN, RN.

Them: are you married?

Me: yes 😊

Them: Any babies yet?

I put on a brave face knowing I have a boy and a girl in heaven and wanting to tell my truth but instead I reply.....

Me: Not yet

Them: that’s good, take your time! Enjoy each other

Me: *smiles and tries not to cry*

If only they knew how much we want a baby and how we’ve lost two due to incompetent cervix, and how hard I’m trying to keep my composure after this conversation.

2 years of trying, two second trimester miscarriages, coming on our 3 year anniversary. I’m so sick of this.

I know they mean no malice, but it hurts my feelings every time. I have gotten this question literally every day this past week at work from my patients and I just want to cry 😭

I just wanted to rant.