Sneaky Bean

Amanda • Proud Mother and Wife to my little family

Went for my first ultrasound yesterday at 7 weeks and this kid is being a sneaky bean. My fertility doctor did her ultrasound and said I’m measuring perfectly and you can see the heartbeat going nice and strong. BUT because I have a retroverted uterus, AND the placenta is in front of the baby we weren’t able to actually hear the heart beat with the equipment they have at the office 😭 so I’m going to get another one done in two weeks. Doctor said not to be concerned because babe looks perfect and again, they can see the heartbeat fluttering nice and strong, but I’m still sad we didn’t get to hear anything.

My daughter (first born, now 4) was also posteriorly positioned and labor was atrocious leading to a near emergency csection... so this time I’m not even going to mess around with trying a VBAC.

Anyone else dealing with a retroverted uterus/posterior placenta?