Him masturbating - am I in the wrong?

My partner and I have been together for two years, he’s 27 and I’m 26.

When we first met we had sex at least once a day, then as time went on it went down to maybe once every other day, then went to once every couple of days and now I’m lucky if it’s once a week/every two weeks.

I’ve mentioned about not having sex often and he says he just doesn’t have a high sex drive, whereas I do. But if i ever try to put it on him he rejects me and tells me no.

As if all of this wasn’t enough to make me feel unwanted, whenever he’s at home or gets 5 minutes to himself he will text me to tell me “I’ve just had a wank” and for some unknown reason it really bothers me? Like REALLLY bothers me. I hate it. My argument is why do u need to? I don’t work, I’m at home all the time so if your horny come to me? You know I’m always wanting it? So for him to go to the bathroom or disappear into the bedroom, then tell me what he’s just done. Or waits till I’m out food shopping to text me seems like he’s just doing anything to avoid me?

Is it just me or this normal to be pissed about?

It genuinely starts making me feel like I’m not enough, and hes more interested in other women who actually get him turned on.

It’s making me feel like we shouldn’t be together anymore. 😞

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