I don’t know what to do now

I just found out I am pregnant and I haven’t told my boyfriend yet.. I was planning on telling him tomorrow (he is working tonight so I decided not to tell him yet and I wanted him to be home and able to relax because his job is really stressful) so he called me just now and he started talking about working on the house and getting out of debt and how important it is to him and I am on the same page 100%. but then out of nowhere he says... I don’t think I want to have any more kids (he has kids from his previous relationship) and he started listing all the reasons why he doesn’t want to have kids stuff like he wants me to get my career going. it wouldn’t work out well with the debt situation. How he wouldn’t want to raise a child with how messed up the world is right now (I almost snapped and said you think the world was a good place to raise a child in ww2) Also who would stay home with a kid you would have to not have a career. (meaning me, which is fine with me at that point if we are having a child) I just kinda sat there in shock because I am pregnant... so I kinda just agreed with him... I just need time to think about everything now. I know I need to tell him but it just kinda crushed me when he said that because I had just got excited about having his child after I was able to process everything. He even went on to say he was thinking about having a vasectomy so I wouldn’t have to worry about birth control. At this point I’m ready to cry (which I never cry) because I don’t know what to do.. (I am completely against abortion so that is not happening) I don’t know if I am gonna need to leave and raise a child on my own or if he will change his mind and I don’t want him to have a kid again if he doesn’t want another one so now I feel guilty. I don’t know what to do and im freaking out right now. I don’t want him to feel trapped I truly love this man I am just at a loss right now. I am also hurt because it is like he just doesn’t want to have kids with me he was perfectly happy to have kids with his ex (that isn’t what he said at all it just feels like it right now) I just feel like I am crazy and I’m glad I know how he really feels but it would have been nice to know that before we got ourselves into this situation... idk what to do right now.. I’m sorry this is so long and I know I need to tell him it is just ironic that the day before I fucking told him I’m pregnant he tells me he doesn’t want kids... please let me know what you guys think I should do I need all the advice I can get right now..