Well it’s official

I hate my mother in law.. she is so f*cking controlling...among other things.. 🤦🏽‍♀️

So my car broke down after only a month of having it unfortunately. So I have been borrowing her car, I filled up the tank with gas and everything. She basically texted me asking where I was, after I tried asking her if I could borrow the car today to go to Walmart, she cut me off telling me that my hubby had already asked, so I figured he asked if I could borrow the car.. but nope.. this is what she said..

***Ok so where did u go today? I let u use the car to take vic to work, U really need to fix ur car, I cant afford for mine to break down too!***

—(my car has a transmission problem and the money my bf has saved up is for him to get a new car for himself)—

I texted back that I thought he had asked her, cause I told him in the room before leaving

***No he did not! I let him borrow car to go to work, and u went somewhere else yesterday too... It is not the first time. I know y’all don’t like to give explanations, u are adults. U have your car there and the parts, and vic has the $ to fix it, just call the mechanic today and get it done this week zoe, I put vic car on his name and out of my insurance for a reason and here we are again!***

Yesterday I went to family dollar after filling up the tank and then there was an accident in front of the store 🤦🏽‍♀️ (a motorcycle guy had been hit and cops were everywhere) anyways I texted her back ok.. and it’s not that we don’t want to give explanations, it’s just that ITS NONE OF HER BUSINESS!!!!! We are adults, we pay bills on freaking time, we Leif her borrow money I mean come on!!

I try to swallow everything cause I’m doing this for him. He slowly has opened his eyes to her behavior and very VERY soon we’re leaving her for fucking good.

We, unfortunately, live under her roof... she has been the most horrible person to me over these past 2 freaking years and I now know why. “I’m taking her son away” like BITCH... are you gonna give him kids in the future? You getting married with him? Are you the one that has to bring his mood up after a stressful day at work? NO, that’s all meeee!!!!! Like grow the f up, man..I’m so done with her.

Ok please no hate comments cause this is literally a ranting page/area... so keep it to yourself

***thank you all for your point of view and advise it’s just that’s it’s not only with her car.. it’s whenever I leave the freaking house in hers or mine. I went to Kissimmee last month IN MY CAR and she was blowing up my phone asking where tf I was I just told her I was in Kissimmee doing some things (seeing my dad after almost two whole years) and she just left me on read and basically didn’t say anything else 🤦🏽‍♀️

But honestly I do know it was her car but she also does it when I use mine too.. she’s extremely bipolar and controlling... and not just the car thing but there’s a lot of shit that she does but I didn’t point out.. sorry if I sounded like a bitch.. I’m just tired of her crap.. she’s basically emotional abusive towards my hubby and me but he doesn’t say anything. It’s just all crazy 🥺 but again, sorry if I sounded like an ungrateful bitch.. 🥺 I’m really not.***

***we haven’t moved out because of the whole corona thing, I lost my two jobs so it’s been extremely hard but sooon very soon we’re making a big move hopefully***