9 weeks and Weird bleeding

Ash • 31.Wife.Mom 💛💙💙💛💛

So on Friday morning had experienced some cramping (literally felt like my cervix opened) and a gush of dark red blood about the size of a kiwi on my pad. I called my doctor and got my levels checked, they said they looked good. Never gave me an exact number. The rest of the day barely any more bleeding. Bleeding went from pink spotting to brown.

Saturday evening, I had been fine all day and then cramping again but not as bad as Friday with a gush of dark red blood. Same size on pad. Then to brown and nothing the rest of the night.

Friday had a small long piece of stringy clot. Nothing else. I'm trying to take it easy.

Called the ob on call and he said not to go in unless I'm hemorrhaging. Which I'm not in any danger right now, and if this is a mc which I feel it's not, that I can't do anything anyways.

Has anyone experienced this type of on and off bleeding before? I was reading up on sch pregnancies/subchoronic hemorrhages.

This is my fifth pregnancy, I have had 2 live births and 2 miscarriages in the past.