3rd baby almost here and I’m feeling anxious!

So I’m due in October with our 3rd baby. My husband and I currently have a son who just turned 4 in July and a daughter who turned 2 in May.

While this baby was very much planned, I can’t help but start feeling a bit anxious as the time is growing closer. I honestly have days of “doubt” wondering how our family dynamic will change. My son and daughter are best buds, but also bicker and pick on each other as most siblings do. And I sometimes fear we are ‘breaking up’ their little bond by throwing another baby into the mix. They are both excited and run my belly, talk about baby, etc. So I honestly think it’s just my mom brain/guilt kicking in knowing their lives are about to change forever.

I also am starting to stress about being outnumbered. My husband comes and goes a lot with different side jobs so in the evenings or on weekends I’m usually by myself with the kids. I feel like it’s exhausting, but manageable with two. We have a pretty decent flow going. And I’m starting to stress about mixing that all up by adding a 3rd to the mix.

I think the mom guilt is starting to kick in also knowing my current two will have to share their time with me. I already feel like there are times when they both want me and I don’t know how to prioritize or how to ‘choose’ who gets mommy at the moment. Their dad is around as much as he can be, but both my kids are momma-kids so they usually want me, come crying to me, etc.

I in no way regret this pregnancy, even though that’s probably what it sounds like! I just was maybe looking for some encouragement, advice or just downright honest truth from some mommas on how your situations worked or how things went when adding to your families, especially when going from 2 to being outnumbered.