Implantation bleeding

Natalie • Wife and mother of an eight year old boy and a 16 month old girl!

I don't have a confirmed pregnancy, but I have a question that I'm just not getting the answers to from the TTC section. I figured I'd get more answers here, as this is a group of pregnant women. I hope it's ok that I ask this here, as I am very confused and need answers. Please forgive my intrusion.

My husband and I are trying for our third baby. My last period was July 16th. I'm not due to start another until the 14th, but I started bleeding on the 8th (8 dpo). It was very scant at first. Just blood streaked discharge, really. But now it's like a very, very light period. I didn't even soak a pad overnight. You can't even see blood soaked through if you turn it upside down. It's like a red wine color and very thin. I'm having very light cramping, but mainly I feel no pain at all.

Has anyone had bleeding like this and it turned out to be implantation bleeding? I've never, ever started a period early. I feel it's unlikely that I'd start a period early now.

Thank you for your help, and again, I apologize for the intrusion.