OB ot PCM?


I’ve never needed to go to the dr for sickness or injury while pregnant, so I’m sorry if this seems silly. I will call my obgyn when they open, but I wanted opinions first.

I am 25 weeks pregnant. We went to the creek over the weekend and I slipped on some rocks and scraped the side of my ankle a bit. I didn’t think much of it at the time, it hurt like I’d expect a scrape to hurt. It was a little swollen yesterday and hurt, the swelling seems to have gone done today, but it is on fire and hurts to walk. I’m not worried about a break or anything, but maybe an infection from a dirty creek?

Would I call my pcm or ob? Of course I don’t want to go in unless I have to because of the rona haha. Thanks!

Pics included because ya never know! First pic is day one swollen

, second is just now.