Lovenox injections during pregnancy.


Pic for attention.

My doctors are suggesting that they might induce me early after the 32 week mark and most likely I'll have a csection. I'm only a little over 13 weeks but they said they want me to be prepared for anything. My birth plan wishes are that I want to have a natural birth but they said with my autoimmune issues, antiphosphilpid syndrome and diabetes (controlled) that they think it's too risky and csection is faster and more controlled. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

More backstory: This will be my husband's first child and my second, my son is 13 years old and I've been trying for years and end up miscarrying early on. This is the farthest in pregnancy I've gotten since my son. I found out I had antiphosphilpid syndrome and they started me on aspirin regimen and at BFP daily lovenox injections this is my first time getting pregnant and staying pregnant this way.