8 days worth of extremely positive OPKs.....arghhhh

Hi all just wondering if anyone has any idea what might be going on and could please offer some advice....

I've been TTC for 8 month and my cycles range from 27-32 days.

I've used OPK sticks from the very first month and they tend to stay positive for two days...well that was until this cycle when I'm currently on day 8 of extremely positive tests.

I know your meant to stop testing after your first positive test but I couldn't resist and how feel like I'm torturing myself 😭

I'm 6DPO and did a HCG test just incase ( I know it's too early) and obviously it came back negative.

Has this ever ended in a BFP for anyone? Or does anyone has any idea what's happening to me.

Fingers crossed 🤞

Thank you in advance!!!! Xxx