Step-mom Problems

I've come here because I'm not sure what to do. I've talked to my boyfriend, friends and family. We are all angry and there's nothing we can do or that I can do. Long story. My daughter is 8 1/2. She just started having of a somewhat of a consistent relationship with her dad these past two years. He was pretty much in and out of her life over a 4 year span. He's married with a new baby and I've encouraged her to develop a relationship with her new sibling as she is a single child with me. I've also encouraged her not be disrespectful to her step mom even though she doesn't like her. Her dad is not what I would call a good dad based on that he doesn't put our daughter first and he never has. He lets whoever he is with do the parenting. But since visitation is court ordered, she has to go with him even though he has never exercised his rights before. We had mediation a few weeks ago to change visitation and modify child support. Less time for less child support. Although I told him if he wanted her for a weekend or any other day that wasn't his, he could have her. It's not a big deal to me. I'm one to work with you if you work with me. Well apparently after mediation, it caused problems. All of a sudden she (the wife) has an issue with me. My daughter said she is more mean to her and just complains about her all the time. She says that my daughter does nothing around the house and is just always on the phone. She told her that if she was her daughter, she'd take away the phone and slap her. To me that's a threat. I don't see the reasons to slap a child over a phone? I would have no problem with her taking the phone or her father. Why threaten violence instead of just taking away the phone? It makes no sense to me. As far as her doing nothing all day, she's 8. I don't know what else she's suppose to do? Here at home there is no electronics until chores are done. So I confronted her about it and she told me to lose her number. I don't understand how I'm suppose to co parent with her father. We can't stand each other, me and his wife don't get along and my daughter doesn't like the wife nor does she want to go over there. There's no communicating with him because he's not that type of person. He's not understanding and he will just side with his wife. All I want is just a good relationship all around even if it's not what I want. But I feel that if she doesn't feel comfortable over there, why should she have to go? And I know I'll get backlash over that but he really isn't a good dad or person. Both of them are toxic. To me she threatened her and I'm just stuck on how to go about this. Sorry so long 😔 no negativity please.