Stay at home mom of three

Lisa • Mother of three. Had first child when 19. She had a heart defect and other birth defects but is doing great now. Then had cayden two and half years later and finally my baby boy Skylar 2 years later.
Hello, just added this group so wanted to introduce my family. My oldest is my 7 year old daughter kia. My miracle child. She was born with heart defect and intestines in wrong place. She has had 5 open heart surgeries and 5 stomach surgeries. She will need another heart and stomach surgery this summer. She also has adhd and odd and a little learning disability. She catching up though. My oldest son cayden is 4 yrs old. He a live bug but has trouble controlling emtions so he is being looked into for that. Then there is my baby boy Skylar who is 16 months old. He is coming into his terrible two's so that is fun *roll eyes* They drive me up the wall but I love them so much and am so lucky I get to raise them. We currently trying for number 4 a girl we hope for two of each. My husband is amazing. He married me this august. My baby is his the other two aren't his but he sees them as his. He accepted them as him, all theirs problems and love. He loves them so much