Weird spotting?

Mariasha • Enzo Joseph 💙✨ 2/25/2020 Ripley Rose 🌹 💕 8/31/2021

Any other mommas that have gotten their period already have some ovulation spotting? According to <a href="">Eve</a> I started my fertile window today and I woke up with some sort of rust brown spotting/discharge. Ever since I got my period at 6 week PP it’s been super consistent except for last month (it was a week late) and I’ve never had this happen before. Last month when I was late I took several tests and they all came back negative, and I took one today and it was also negative.

I’m not on birth control right now cause of some health issues I have relating to it, and I had sex about a week ago. In the heat of the moment we forgot protection 🙄 I know, I know, my bad, but I did take the morning after pill literally not even 12 hours after the deed. I’m a little freaked out cause I don’t know if it’s implementation bleeding or just ovulation bleeding or maybe my period is starting super early? Either way we’re not trying for a baby right now! Our LO is 6 months old and we wanted to wait at least 18 months to start trying again.