First US today!


Just had our first scan today! 6w5d, measuring 6w1d. This little booger is our rainbow baby. Everything looks great except for a small hematoma - which doc seemed to be very unconcerned about. We go back in another two weeks to double check on things but DH and I could not be happier 😊💕

For anyone struggling with infertility, we feel you. We’ve really been trying for two years. I honestly was starting to doubt our ability to get pregnant again - and maybe our pregnancy last year was a fluke. Its been a year since we lost our first and it’s amazing to me that this one came about all around the same time that we lost our first last year. Just never lose hope, you never really know how your story will play out! 🌈

It’s still early. A lot can happen at any time for any reason, but we are just so over the moon to be able to get eyes on our growing little one!

Baby dust and allllll kinds of good vibes to any momma who is trying and struggling with anxiety, anger, frustration, fear or confusion. Pregnancy is insane, I’m just so glad to have this community to go to when things get crazy!