I need advice

I’m in a marriage that is very complicated. We have an 11 month old special needs daughter. I do love him but I don’t know if that’s just my fucked up mind or what but anyways. He has cheated over 20 times (online only so never in person, but he sends nudes and shit). He’s quite controlling now. He called me 24/7 and if don’t pick up I’m being a bitch and I hate him but then those comments are followed by I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I love you. He has hit me twice and bruised my arm pretty badly when I tried to walk away. But those happened month and months apart. He doesn’t take no for an answer in any way. I’m honestly scared and if he knew I was telling anyone this he’d get upset. I told him everything he’s done and why I’m scared and he said he doesn’t even remember doing any of it. He’s in the navy right now and I’m worried he’ll get thrown in jail or something. He is a nice guy unless I upset him then he gets mean. I’m just at a loss right now.