Please Help!!

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽

Anyone else have/had a 3 year old go through sleep regression??? My son usually always puts up at least a small fight at bed time but the past 2 nights he’s been coming in our room wee hours of the night/morning and having a hard time going to back to sleep in our bed or his. Last night he was in bed watching a basketball game with my husband, perfectly fine and al of a sudden when I was in the bed with them for a few min he started freaking out! He was acting like something was crawling on him or hurting him or something- tears, shaking, screaming, the works! My husband and I were both in a panic trying to make sure he was okay, inspecting him and frantically checking the bed for anything that could poke or bite him and of course we found nothing. Every time we tried to touch him he’d freak out more. We took him outside to run around to see if maybe he was hurt but no we was running lightning speed having a great time! When we got back inside we distracted him with Finding Nemo so we could watch him more and see if anything else happened. He was perfectly normal. Still a little standoffish about being held and refused to get in our bed. Husband put him down for the night in his bed, he put up his usual fight but no hysterics...then at 1:25 I hear his heavy little footsteps coming into our room. His pull up is soaked and he pooped so I cleaned him up and tried to have him lay down with me. He just looked so terrified and reluctant to even let me pick him up. I finally got him to just sit with me and eventually he fell asleep on my belly. Super sketch still if I moved my hands even slightly. This is the 2nd night in a rown he’s gotten up and come into our room with a poopy pull up. We’re STILL working on potty training and he pees in the toilet just fine and usually just wears underwear or runs free during the day with a pull up for bed. He absolutely WILL NOT poop in the potty for the life of him. I’m also 9 months pregnant with his baby brother. His speech is not very good yet and although it’s something we work on constantly with him he still has a hard time communicating with us outside of whining and the few words & phrases he does use. Obviously he can’t tell us what’s going on but it’s freaking me out to see him behave like this and not know what the heck happened/is going on. I can’t sleep and am trying to get off of google so please any experiences or advice would be amazing!! Sorry for being so longwinded and rambly but I’m exhausted and feeling so guilty like I’ve done/am doing something wrong 🥺