Worried & emotional

Hey I’m a first time mom my baby is 7 months she’ll be 8 month on the 23rd . I’ve been worried she has autism since she was 6 months . I googled one thing and lost my mind now I can’t stop googling . I can’t wait Enjoy my baby I’ve been too busy scanning her I had a really really bad break bad for 2 weeks I couldn’t even do anything my husband had to do everything involving the baby. She babbles she says mama , dada & baba sometimes mmm sounds she interacts with everyone also cry when I leave the room or anyone she used to and have a bit of stranger anxiety. She laughs and smiles a lot loves to play. She has eye contact and answers to her name & reach out for people to be picked up. She doesn’t crawl yet but is trying. She doesn’t clap ( she tries ) , or wave bye bye ( tries) i don’t know when babies are supposed to do all of that honestly. My only concerns are she head bang sometimes and think it’s funny when she look at me but sometimes she does it when she mad. She has tantrums never saw a baby get mad when something is taken from them or they can’t get what they want. Sometimes she looks at her hands , she pitches & scratches my skin or pull the fat on my neck. She pull on her index finger sometimes & she do this thumb thing where she’ll pull her shirt with her thumb & always want to touch my face Im extremely worried and emotional please give me answers I can’t eat or sleep. I’m very aware I have PPD