My birth story

Jessica • Athena Aryn Jae Ard born August 11, 2020 9 lbs 7 oz Married September 22, 2019 💍 Puppy momma to Nyx 🐶 and Theia Lizard momma to Kreature 🦎

I was scheduled to come in tonight (8/12/2020) for an induction but my baby had other plans so to speak. At around midnight I started having contractions nothing horrible just noticeable and then around 3:30 lost part of my water so onto the hospital I went. After getting there and testing the fluid I was admitted. Contractions got worse and I got an epidural once I was dilated to a 3. At around 5:30 I started to push and I pushed for two hours which was awful because I could feel all the contractions in my back and I was EXHAUSTED to say the least. At 7:45 my baby girl was born at an astonishing 9 pounds 7 ounces (which nobody expected the nurses were all taking guesses lmao) and 21 1/2 inches long. Only issue was she had a lot of fluid inside her little body and she was suctioned for a little while. Other than that completely healthy and chunky baby girl. I feel so blessed she’s latching really well and everything.