Y’all I need HELP. BIG painful bump on vagina

I noticed a bump on the side on my vagina Monday evening (started my period in the morning) it hurts so bad, it seems like it’s only gotten bigger too. From being the size of the tip of my finger to the area around it being hot and a solid feeling mass under the skin about the size of a marble. I checked for ingrow hairs and didn’t see any irritation on the surface of the skin. I tried popping it and nothing, I later read not to touch it lol oops. I’m on my period and I use a deva cup which is extremely painful to get past this bump. Im also sexually active with one partner (not that any of that will be happening until this goes away because it hurts so bad, even wiping after I pee or even walking is painful.)

I just want to know if any of y’all went through this and what you did to deal with it. Is it something you dealt with at home or had to go see a doctor for?