I’m bigger than him

Hey ladies,

So there’s this guy I’m starting to see. We get along great and I’m really attracted to his personality, but physically I’m feeling a little insecure. I’m a bigger girl. Average height. Thick and curvy. I’m pretty used to the reality that my thighs will always be like 3 times bigger than a guy’s. But usually I find guys that are taller than me at the very least so I can feel like the “small one” in the relationship.

But this guy is a lot smaller than me. I probably have a good 60 pounds on him. We are about the same height, I may be a hair taller. But he’s very very thin. I’m not body shaming him by any means, but I just feel really huge around him and very self conscious. I’m not sure how to get over this and feel more confident.

Do you have any tips or advice?