Domestic violence

Im out of ideas im 20 years old and i have a one year old and im just tired of dealing with my partner . I currently live with him and his family and for some reason everyone in the house hold is scared of him me and him been on and off for the past three years and im just scared of him every time he drinks its just another argument and

Its just so scary he’ll start throwing stuff slamming door calling me names braking tvs bottles screaming and his mom is literally scared of him and if i get mad about him drinking his mom will always be on his side and tell me to just lock myself in the room and ignore him & let him drink like how ? How am i letting him drink for what so he could treat me like trash later on . Im honestly so lucky he hasnt tried hitting me but there was a time were he choked me my son was 3 months old and i could honestly say i was really going through postpartum depression next thing you know i reacted and i just hit him back and that was enough for him to turn it on me call the cops . Next day im in jail my son was only being breastfeed so here i am thinking that i messed up he’s family turns it all on me and im in jail just worried about my son next day my milk literally dries out maybe the stress and depression i really dont know . Im just tired of always having to be told where i can go what i can wear which friends i can have or if i could have social media or not . I would love to have my mom support me and everydayyyyyy i cry myself to sleep wondering if she cares . I call my mom all the time and tell her i could not be here and all she says is to look for a place to move too shes too busy in her new relationship worried about her husband that she doesnt even ask abt my son or how im dealing with all of this i have no job i do have money saved up . But not enough i am getting a job i start next week! But can someone please tell me whattttts left to do because i literally feel stuck i have no where to go and i just can not be here for another week is there any way i can get help from the government to get a place i really dont want my son to be having to be living with such a toxic relationship.