D&C questions..

Sadly about 3 weeks ago I had a miscarriage. Then about two weeks ago I was told that it was an incomplete and was given misoprostol to pass the rest. For the first week I had completely by the book symptoms and everything was going smoothly, or as well as it could.. then a couple days I started to experience odd abdominal pain and it just didn’t feel normal and my bleeding and spotting had stopped..the pain wasn’t too severe but was a constant discomfort and I knew something wasn’t correct with my body. I went to the E.R yesterday evening because I was so stressed and worried at that point I wanted answers right away and knew something wasn’t right. They ran all the tests and came back with news that I was praying I wasn’t going to hear, but I still had some products of conception left over and that I would need a D&C procedure as soon as possible. They started me on antibiotics although they never said I had a severe infection or anything, I think it may just be a precaution at this point and I now I have the procedure tomorrow.. I am so tired and heartbroken at this point. My main worry is future fertility after all of this. It was my first pregnancy..and I am so worried at the thought that my fertility will be damaged by all that’s happened and I will never have a chance again. Has anyone experienced something similar to this and has a success story of conceiving easily in the future? Or how the healing process was after the D&C procedure.. please nothing negative. I really need some hope at this point. I just feel so lost at this point..