Stopped growing (a small rant)


At the end of June I found out that my babies stopped growing so they scheduled me for a D&C in early July. Before we found out that the babies stopped growing my husband proposed to be on Mothers Day and we thought that everything was complete. We are getting married we are officially having a baby(babies) eveeything was good and gravy. So after we had our D&C on July 15th 2020 we decided to juat fo ahead and get married. It hurt me tho most but its been over a month and we paid out with all the medicine and everything 14K. But here I am today as strong as I can be and smiling. The lord knew it wasn't the right time so we excepted it. Now we are looking into buying a house, staying positive, and moving forward just a little. If we don't get pregnant again this year (trying the natural way) then 2021 we shall save our money up again and pay to get pregnant again. Losing something that you love that is inside of you is hard. But at the end of ths day ladies when we lose someone we gain someone whether its another pregnancy or a new fiance, husband, or boyfriend we will get through it and we will have what we want at any point. Staying positive and no stress can definitely go a long way!!!!!

I just wanted to vent a little its been a rough month so yeah. Thank you for reading my post i don't expect anyone to write i just wanted ro get this off of my chest. I was only a couple weeks along.