My Rainbow 🌈

Tegan • 25, RPN, 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 June 27th, 2020 🌈♥️ January 14th, 2022 🌈 ♥️

Everyone meet Norah Lynda Elaine Borczyk 💕

After 15 months of trying and two early miscarriages I finally got the greatest gift of life. My beautiful rainbow baby.

She was born June 27th at 3:25AM, 19.68”, 6lbs 5oz, 37+1 weeks.

My blood pressure had been perfect all throughout my pregnancy, but as I got closer to 40 weeks my feet and calves continued to swell, and my BP continued to rise. On June 26th, we went into L&D at 6:30pm as my BP had remained elevated. The oncall obgyn ordered blood work and a urine sample. She then assessed my swelling, and my BP. I was around 160/110. She looked at my chart and said, “Well, you’re 37 weeks and I don’t like what I’m seeing, so you’re going to have a baby today!”

I called my bf who was anxiously waiting outside and told him to bring the bags up because today was the day! (He wasn’t allowed into the hospital until I had been admitted due to covid)

I was already 3-4cm dilated on my own, so the obgyn broke my water around 7pm, IV was inserted and pitocin was started. At 1:30AM the contractions were one after another and I couldn’t handle it. I got the epidural and the nurse checked my cervix, I had only progressed to 5cm. My bf needed to run home and let our dog out and the nurse gave him the go ahead as I wasn’t progressing very fast. At 2:30AM I called the nurse telling her I felt pressure. She checked me and nonchalantly says “Ohhh you’re 9cm!” I called my bf and told him to rush back. He arrived and I started pushing at 2:45AM, baby girl was here at 3:25AM. I tore periurethral and perineal so received 8 stitches but other than that, no complications and no concerns.

This was the hardest thing I have ever done, and I’d do it all over again for her 💕

Heres my baby - almost 2 months old already 😩