My June rainbow baby


These past few months have flown by! I am so grateful, so in awe and so tired!

I was Induced at 39 weeks due to steadily rising blood pressure. We went in at noon on june 10th and started cytotec, FIVE rounds later and I was still only 50% effaced. (I was that when I came in) so we started the medicine that’s on a string and goes inside you (I forgot the name). About 8 hours later I was 100% effaced and 2 cm dilated. They started Pitocin around 2 on June 11th. I slowly got more and more dilated, teaching 7 cm around 9 am on the 12th.

My body stayed at 7 cm ALL day! Strong contractions and cervix checks with no progress had me really discouraged. My blood pressure started to rise again, and baby’s heartbeat was starting to rise as well. When I saw his little heart was going over 200bpm when it had stayed in 140s the entire induction l, I called in the nurse and said I can’t do this anymore. I want a c-section.

They said ok, and at 11:59 baby Damian was born. 8 pounds and 22 inches long! My husband is 6’4 so I was kinda expecting a long baby.

I am glad I asked for the c-section because damians heart rate kept climbing and by the time we got to the surgical room, the doctor was in a hurry to get him out. He was born with a fever, but it went away within 24 hours.

He lost 7 oz during the 3 day stay at hospital. 2 days later at pediatricians office he had gained it all back! He has gained a little over 3 pounds each month, so at 9 weeks I have a 15 pound baby.