I lost my virginity to a sociopath...

Eliza • Peace, Love, and Positivity

okay so basically what happened was, I had one of my close friends of 2 years come over bc he was bringing me some juice that I asked him to get me, and then we were chillin on my bed, one thing lead to another, and we hooked up. He had told me he was a diagnosed sociopath, and I was like okay cool whatever, until he turned out to be super manipulative. He had a girlfriend. I didn't know because he didn't tell me, we're in different clicks, and she's not on his social medias. 2 days later he posted her up, and I was like wait what. so I didn't know her, but I knew one of her friends, and I told her about it, and asked how we should tell her. I told her and she ended up GETTING MAD AT ME AND FORGIVING HIM, also saying that we're not allowed to be friends anymore. so what the hell man. idek what to do, but it's taking a toll on my mental health.