Implantation question


My LMP was on 8/6 can implantation occur 3 days after ovulation or are the cramps I’m feeling in my lower abdomen be that I’m just now ovulating? We are trying to go natural with no tracking OPKs just to see if it happens on its own and this is our first month. I’m calculating that I ovulated on the 19th or the 20th. We have BD Saturday-Monday of the past weekends minus the one I was on my period. This weekend has been from Friday (which I was feeling nauseous, had a headache 🤕 and was feeling dizzy with hot and cold flashes) I got sent home from work and my bf drove down when I told him I wasn’t feeling good. Today I have been cramping all day like lightning pulses or like tugging or like random sharp cramps. ( no bleeding or spotting though)