Any SAHM’s having social issues with their kids?


My daughter will be 18 months in a week...

We’ve been limiting our outings out of the house with Covid and me being due with our second child in 5 weeks.

My boyfriend took our daughter out to a birthday party this weekend while I was working (I work sat/sun bartending to help with income) and she had a full blow meltdown anytime he was more than 3 feet away from her or if she noticed he had left the room.

She does fine at places she’s at frequently (my parents house usually) and plays well with her cousin who is a year older, but again.. she sees her pretty often.

We started talking about putting her in daycare two days a week just for social interaction but I also can’t finically do that with going on an extended maternity leave.

How do you have your toddlers do social interaction? How do they do with social interaction in general?

Having such mom guilt right now.