Never believed in praying until now..


I posted awhile back that i had my 20 week scan, and that my baby girl didn’t move the whole hour that they looked at her, they made me walk and move every which way and nothing, but she has a great heart beat, they said her head wasn’t measuring right and she was missing a vessel in her umbilical cord which could cause her organs not to form. They wanted to repeat the ultrasound a month later.

I cried and worried for that whole month. She wasn’t active still, i didn’t feel movements. My boyfriends sister asked if she could pray for us and have some people she knew pray for us and I agreed that it was okay and i would appreciate it..

we went to the ultrasound and i felt and seen her move around! When i went to speak with the doctor he told us that he was amazed, that everything changed.

The first ultrasound he said he didn’t want to tell me then but he didn’t see any bowels and her kidneys didn’t look like they were forming, and of course the missing vessel he did tell me about. He said her brain was right on track that the vessel that wasn’t there is there now, and that her bowels and kidneys were there and looking normal!

Here’s the ultrasound that gave me nightmares and that she didn’t look so good in.

And here’s the updated ultrasound of her where everything was okay ♥️

And a happy momma of course ♥️

I’m now 28 weeks and pray and thank god everyday 💕 can’t wait to meet our sweet final baby girl