Husband finds our kids annoying.

Yep, you heard that right. My husband finds our own kids annoyin. We have a 2 year old boy and 11 month old. They both are very spoilt, my son throws temper tantrums and will scream 24/7 for anything he basically wants, our daughter has started aswell. She screams 24/7 for no reason. They both don’t sleep daytime or night. If our daughter sleeps, our son will do anything to wake her up. Our daughter screams bloody murder over any reason and can not be calmed. I look after them alone all day, everyday Im about to go mental. My mum and dad arent coming due to covid they usually help me everyday for a few hours. Our daughter doesnt want to be near my in laws for some reason so I cant leave her there. My husband keeps saying he doesnt want to come home anymore, that he’s fed and tired of all screaming and sleepless nights. We both havent slept well for almost 2 weeks now 😩

Anyone have any advice on what to do with the kids, im about to go mental. My husband being like this doesnt make it any easier, we have been arguing for a week non-stop over no reasons.