Yeast infection at 5 weeks 4days

Naja • Rainbow baby🌈 4/19/21 🥺💗 I love you angel.

I’m trying to be very careful especially because I’m in a very fragile time in my pregnancy. The first trimester is the most important and difficult time and I do not want to put my baby at risk. I have had a yeast infection for a few days now. It’s not uncomfortable or anything its just that I have cheese like discharge. I called my doctor and he prescribed me Terconazole 0.4 % the vaginal cream. I looked it up and it says that this product should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy or the first 3 months . I’m like well the doctor knows what he’s doing right ? But honestly I really don’t trust it. Especially because I am a black woman and the sad truth is is that a lot of doctors don’t care about black women health which also leaves me a little paranoid. I don’t know what to do . Should I just use the cream or should I consult with them again ?