Sex deminishing

Usually the whole week of my fertile window i am ready ready ready to get laid up with my man !! But here recently (more like this month) i haven't had as much of an urge to do it. I want it, but just so we can have a baby. Not to actually enjoy it. And that is not like me at all!! I miss enjoying his touch. I do believe it had ALOT to do with the fact that he NEVEEEERRR wants to "do it" anymore. This man never wants to have sex with me at all. Seriously, he will go a month without it. Longer really cause at a month im already livid and so i just tell him straight up, " give me some D!! " ive tried to talk with him, hr works hard and we're also trying to buy a house so i know he's got alot on his mind. He even told me that he knows he needs to start putting sex higher up on his list. That was 2months ago. There has been no change.....i want to buy a toy but he doesn't want me to, he says its a way of cheating. I look at is as if he can watch porn( which i told him that was okay cause i do to) then i should be able to please myself since he wont. And i WONT go cheat on him cause tgats just nasty and wrong. The bad side of a toy is when you've "taken care" of yourself so much to the point you dont even want to do that anymore! Im flabbergasted and im losing my mind. Im 24 and not only want another little boy, but also have needs! Am i being ridiculous?? Someone give me some kind of advice! Please!!

Side note* been together just over a year now. Im 24 he's 30